Category Archives: ashleyamber

Ashley/Amber on DVD in “Back to Politics” compilation

[cross-posted at]

Ashley/Amber is out on DVD today as part of BACK TO POLITICS, a compilation of 10 short films curated by Berlinale shorts director Maike Mia Höhne.

»Im Alter von 22 Jahren bläst Christoph Schlingensief auf offener Straße und im Schnee seinen Landsleuten die Nationalhymne. Ein klares Eingangsstatement, anhand dessen sich kaum die Frage stellt, ob man sich aufgrund der Hymne von seinem Stuhl erhebt. Prolog & programmatisch für die Auswahl BACK TO POLITICS.
Entlang der Filme lässt sich darüber spekulieren, wie die politische Lage derzeit einzuschätzen ist, wie sie sich zum Besseren verändern lässt. Politisches Handeln weist viele Facetten auf und ist nicht ausschließlich an Tagespolitik geknüpft, sondern tritt in banal anmutenden Entscheidungen zu Tage, die jede und jeder praktisch ständig zu treffen hat. Wie und was ist der Mensch, der entscheidet? In Annäherungen werden prekäre Arbeitsverhältnisse, Ich-AGs und illegale Erwerbsarbeit verhandelt. Die Frage vom Ich im Ganzen bleibt. Zum Ende geht die historische These, wie Sex und Politik zusammengehen, neue Wege. Der Erwartung wird das Leben zugesetzt.«
[Dietmar Schwärzler & Maike Mia Höhne]

It’s quite an honor to be included in this collection. There are some really excellent films including Hugo Lilja’s Aterfödelsen, the dystopian zombie film that screened with us in Berlin.

Order at good!movies &

ASHLEY/AMBER Berlinale Screenings

Friday, February 11 @ 4pm
Berlinale Shorts I: Press Screening

CinemaxX 5
Potsdamer Straße 5, Berlin
Press only; no Q&A

Tuesday, February 15 @ 10pm
Berlinale Shorts I
* official world premiere *

CinemaxX 3
Potsdamer Straße 5, Berlin
Q&A to follow screening; 8,00€

Wednesday, February 16 @ 6pm
Berlinale Shorts Go Arsenal: Artist Talks II

Kino Arsenal 2
Potsdamer Straße 2, Berlin
Artist Talk (no screening); Free

Friday, February 18 @ 5:45pm
Berlinale Shorts I

Colosseum 1
Schönhauser Allee 123, Berlin
Q&A to follow screening; 8,00€

Saturday, February 19 @ 5:45pm
Berlinale Shorts I

CinemaxX 5
Potsdamer Straße 5, Berlin
Q&A to follow screening; 8,00€

Friday, February 25
Soho House Berlin
Details TBA

For more info, visit and check out the Berlinale Program.

ASHLEY/AMBER featured in interview with Berlinale Shorts curator Maike Mia Höhne

Ashley/Amber is about the anti-war movement in the USA…

Yes, the film is a conflict-ridden entanglement of various themes related to the character of a young woman: an excursion into the world of porn, a friend deployed in a war and the growing engagement within the student peace movement. Besides the intelligent cinematic linking of these areas, the director Rebecca Rojer captures much of the real-to-life atmosphere in Harvard, where the film plays and where she herself is a student. One doesn’t ‘just’ see a fictional film, but really gets informed about conditions in certain regions of the world. I was not previously aware that there was such a strong resistance movement in the US – including occupied buildings and political discussion groups. Through the specific quality of the 16mm material that Rojer uses, you feel like you’ve traveled back to the era of 1970s activism. And at the same time you are aware that it’s about very real occurrences in today’s world.

Full Interview
Ashley/Amber Official Site

Ashley/Amber going to the Berlin Film Festival!

I am very excited to announce that my thesis film, ASHLEY/AMBER, has been selected to screen in the 61st Berlin International Film Festival’s Berlinale Shorts Competition.

The film, a dark comedy about an antiwar activist who finds fame only after she is outed as the one-time star of an internet porn video, will premiere on Tuesday, February 15 at 10pm, with additional screenings on Friday, 2/18 at 5:45pm and and Saturday, 2/19 at 4pm. It will also screen at the Soho House Berlin on 2/25.

Thank you and congratulations to my incredible cast & crew!!

Official Press Release