[For context, check out my last blog post on the issue; also Cris Thorne‘s excellent documentary-in-progress De-Leveling the System]
9:22 PM: Live tweet msosd BOE meeting: heart warming speeches in favor of educational equity. Yay!
[edit: transcript of Board of Ed member Bill Gaudelli’s excellent speech here]
10:03 PM: BOE member Gleason uses USA’s low PISA scores to defend leveled instruction; Finland scores highest in world & is committed to edu equality
[see: “What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland’s School Success” and “How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools“]
10:15 PM: Many community members speaking against proposal including real estate agent & board of trustees member. #movetomillburn
10:19 PM: Cool many community members in favor also speaking.
10:24 PM: Both sides of this agree can agree on one thing: 2 min is not enough for public comment.
10:32 PM: Gleason makes motion to break proposal into 3 pieces: IB middle school, middle school levelup, & chs level restructuring
10:33 PM: Vote 5-4 to separate the proposal.
10:34 PM: IB program passes unanimously
10:39 PM: Gleason trying to table proposal until there is a gifted and talented program; Daugherty disagrees, “don’t let perfect be enemy of good.”
10:40 PM: Middle school proposal passes 7:2!
10:41 PM: CHS proposal passes 8-1! #townpride
[As my friend Dan (who also stuck it out for the meeting) put it, now time for all the work!]